VALOR VIP Complete Program
The Valor VIP programming includes a presenter’s script, student pages, teacher’s fact sheet, visual materials and additional resources for use. After purchase, you will receive a Google Drive link with all the materials needed.
The program is designed to be given by a presenter with the help of your local police officer or school resource officer. The presentation is given in full before any animals come out for students to pet. It is up to the discretion of the school and the presenters if the animals will be at the presentation or not. After the presentation, questions are encouraged. You are welcome to give the presentation with or without any therapy animal or just as an individual. The program is appropriate to present at parent programs sponsored by your school district as well; most parents find the information helpful and eye opening, many do not realize the access their children have on the devices they use, the effects bullying can have and how to help their child protect themselves..
The Valor VIP programming includes a presenter’s script, student pages, teacher’s fact sheet, visual materials and additional resources for use. After purchase, you will receive a Google Drive link with all the materials needed.
The program is designed to be given by a presenter with the help of your local police officer or school resource officer. The presentation is given in full before any animals come out for students to pet. It is up to the discretion of the school and the presenters if the animals will be at the presentation or not. After the presentation, questions are encouraged. You are welcome to give the presentation with or without any therapy animal or just as an individual. The program is appropriate to present at parent programs sponsored by your school district as well; most parents find the information helpful and eye opening, many do not realize the access their children have on the devices they use, the effects bullying can have and how to help their child protect themselves..
The Valor VIP programming includes a presenter’s script, student pages, teacher’s fact sheet, visual materials and additional resources for use. After purchase, you will receive a Google Drive link with all the materials needed.
The program is designed to be given by a presenter with the help of your local police officer or school resource officer. The presentation is given in full before any animals come out for students to pet. It is up to the discretion of the school and the presenters if the animals will be at the presentation or not. After the presentation, questions are encouraged. You are welcome to give the presentation with or without any therapy animal or just as an individual. The program is appropriate to present at parent programs sponsored by your school district as well; most parents find the information helpful and eye opening, many do not realize the access their children have on the devices they use, the effects bullying can have and how to help their child protect themselves..
General Outline of the Script
Define Valor: a person who does what is right, even when it is hard or scary. A hero.
V A L O R principles
Value differences
Always be kind
Lend a helping hand
Offer encouragement
Respect yourself & your classmates
Define the difference between Rude, Mean & Bullying
Rude: unintentional; saying something on accident that hurts someone’s feelings, should be solved with a simple apology
Mean: intentional; impulsively reacting to a situation, typically a one-time occurrence, should be solved with a simple apology.
Bullying: intentional; done on purpose with the intent to harm or intimidate the other person, behavior is repeated over and over.
The 4 Types of Bullying*
Verbal Bullying: Anytime your words are used to purposely cause harm to another person. Examples: name calling, teasing, threats, making fun of someone, and inappropriate comments.
Physical Bullying: Anytime you use your body to cause harm to another person. Examples: hitting, kicking, pushing, spitting, stealing property, tripping, rude hand gestures, damaging or breaking another person’s property.
Emotional Bullying: Anytime you say or do something to purposely cause harm to another person. Examples: spreading rumors, purposely excluding someone, making jokes, causing someone to feel like they do not belong, belittling someone.
Cyber Bullying: Anytime you use technology and social media to purposely cause harm to another person. Examples: sending a text or email, sending a message through Snapchat or other “24-hour messaging” apps, sharing inappropriate pictures of a person, spreading rumors.
3 Ways to Stop Bullying
Say, “STOP”
Tell a teacher or another trusted adult
Be an Upstander, not a Bystander
Commitment to be a VALOR VIP
Value differences
Always be kind
Lend a helping hand
Offer encouragement
Respect yourself & your classmates
Introduce Horses