Therapy Horse Registration
The Therapy Horse Registration course is designed to help you through the training process and register your horse with our world-renowned program. It is intended to be used by someone who has already taken the Master Handlers Course or the Complete Guide and have the background skills of a good handler. The horse registration course is available online and the syllabus will provide all the information you need in the form of lectures, how-to videos and related reading material. The standards are tried and true within our own therapy program, and we give you the tools to replicate the training on your own horse.
The Registration Level Test will be given when you feel your horse is ready. You can choose to work slowly with a beginner horse, or if you have the required hours written and documented as well as visit and visit hours (either with pictures or videos), the horse can move quickly through the Registration Levels. When your horse receives a passing score on the Level 1 Registration test, you will receive a certificate and a special award for each registration level achieved.