What's Your Passion?
What Drives You?
I LOVE this topic. Especially because I love the diversity of our answers! Between the three of us at Seven Oaks Farm, we all have our own special niche of visits that really fuel our fire. I’ll share a little about our individual passions, then please share a comment about yours! We would love to hear!
In my happy place ☺️
Me! (Kate)
If it’s not obvious by the blog posts and my knack for writing - I’m not sure it ever will be. I LOVE talking to people! And you know who talks your socks off - old folks 😉. My, my. I love visiting the assisted living homes & rehabilitation centers. They will talk to you about life-old stories or events that were important to them, and all I can do is sit there and smile. They are so sweet and gentle, and they all have this thoughtfulness about them. I could spend days (and I do spend too much time on some visits… 🙄) just listening to their stories - sometimes I’m the only one willing to listen. I just cherish these moments and the ability to make a difference to that person simply by staying to hear what they have to say.
Lisa & Cincinnati Police Officer, Roberta Utecht at an Outreach Event
Lisa is pure passion. She is DRIVEN by passion. But, if I had to choose what her true passion in all of this has been - it would be the VALOR program. She has such a strong respect for those who protect us, and part of that may be engrained in her blood. Her father and her husband are Army veterans. She has a drive to honor those who sacrifice so much to keep us safe. Before we even started official visits many years ago, Lisa wanted to get involved with the police departments. A very important element of this for her was offering our horses to the departments free of charge. We wanted to help them make a difference in their communities; and little horses walking around with police officers certainly opened doors for connection and conversation.
Shelby and one very special girl
Now, Shelby just finished her MASTERS in Mental Health Counseling. She totally GETS people. So naturally, her favorite visits are the Childrens’ visits. There is just something about her at these visits - the kids gravitate towards her and carry on the most amazing conversations with her. She is a light with them! Now that Shelby has her Masters, I know - everyone is pumping their fists for her; she is working as a counselor in the Cincinnati Area. Eventually, she plans to use Dallas & Willie Nelson in her practice. This girl has dreams: both the horses and the visits inspire her to continue doing what she loves best.